My Personal Quest Bucket List for My Inner Being
Lately, I’ve come across videos where people are on vacation, what they do in a typical day, and how they reset for the upcoming week. It made me think about some of the things I want to do but haven’t had the chance to do. So, I pulled out a piece of paper and began creating a list.
1. Create a Time Lapse
I was watching a movie the other day, and there was a time capsule. I instantly thought I should create something similar. Instead of collecting specific items and putting them into a capsule tube, I will find an item that means something to me, like a jar, box, case, etc.
While I check off my bucket list, I’ll take pictures or collect items to put into my time lapse. Thus, I can reflect on all the adventures I embarked on and look back at the memories I created.

2. Learn to Double Dutch
In elementary school, at recess, I always jumped rope on the playground. But it wasn’t until later that I discovered double Dutch. I never had the chance to learn. So, my goal is to make time to learn how to double Dutch.
3. Handstand
I’ve always wanted to do a handstand and balance myself. I remember doing one in the yard and flipping over. I want to learn how to control my arms, guide where my feet land, and overall become stronger.
I took a few kickboxing classes prior to COVID. I loved how much of a stress release it was.
However, I’ve always wanted to take a boxing class to get my arms and body in shape, improve my coordination, and have fun.

5.Make Jewelry
Typically, when I go to a store and come across the jewelry section, I pick up earrings and think, “What a pretty design. I would love to make my own someday.”
I want to find a class and learn how to make earrings, bracelets, necklaces, or statement pieces for my fingers.
I think it would be an exciting activity to try and make a piece of jewelry I could wear as many times as I wanted to.
6.Go on a 1st date
No one has ever asked me out on a date I’ve spoken to over a period of time.
Usually, if I approach a single guy and we both seem interested in each other, we might trade numbers. But even when we do converse, I never seem to be able to move past the talking stage.
Thus, I went ahead and purchased The 5 Love Languages, the single edition, and other books that will help me navigate through relationships.

7. Have my 1st Valentine’s Day
Every year on Valentine’s Day, I end up treating myself. And you know what? I love every moment.
Although it is nice to treat myself, it would be nice to get asked to go on dates by a guy I am genuinely interested in, even on a special holiday like Valentine’s Day!
8. Take a Latin Dance Class with a Date
I remember going on vacation with my parents, and one of the places we stayed at had salsa lessons. I went to the salsa class and had a blast.
Being able to salsa dance in that moment made me aware of how much joy and pleasure I received from focusing on the present. Since then, I’ve wanted to go on a date where the guy leads, and I follow along to the beat.

9.New Year’s Eve Kiss
When the clock strikes midnight and I’m watching the television screen, I want to change that. There’s nothing wrong with doing nothing prior to the countdown.
But I want to experience what it’s like to kiss a guy I had the chance to know through the dates we took to get to know each other.
It would be exciting to spend time on special occasions like New Year’s Eve and have a midnight kiss.
10.Escape Room
I’ve watched movies about escape rooms but never experienced one for myself. I want to go to an escape room with a group of friends or on a date. It would allow me to see how I work under pressure and adapt quickly.
Also, I just want to have fun!

Watching YouTube videos where people go on excursions has made me want to try snorkeling.
Here’s a tip: Bring your own gear so you don’t have to rent it out.
Snorkeling somewhere tropical would be nice.
Have you ever seen someone write in pretty cursive letters? I have. It has motivated me to learn calligraphy.
That is why I purchased an online class and a book to practice my calligraphy writing skills.
I feel at peace when my feet touch the sand as the waves travel in between my toes, looking out to the ocean. Sometimes, I see people surfing or paddleboarding. Watching others ride the waves makes me want to feel in control and carefree, and that is why one of the things I want to do is take surfing lessons.
Surfing would help me improve my balance and glide across the glistening waters.

I want to go to a retreat where I can recharge, rest, and regroup. Retreats are, to me, a resourceful way to reconnect with what you need as an individual.
15.Celebrity Cruise
I’ve been on a cruise. But I never had the chance to book a trip on the Celebrity Cruise Line. I’ve heard that Celebrity Cruises exudes luxury, and I look forward to one day experiencing what it’s like to travel on one.
16.Rent a Movie Theater
There are times I’ve gone to the movies by myself. However, I would love to rent out a movie theater for a girl’s night, family night, or a date. I think it would be cool to get the whole experience of a private show.
17.Boat or Yacht Ride
The last time I had the chance to go on a boat ride was in elementary school for a field trip. I want to know what it’s like to experience a boat or yacht soaring over the ocean and taking in the captivating scenery.

18.Try Korean Fried Chicken
Every time I’ve come across a food post, it makes me think, “Wow, that looks delicious.”
I love delicious food.
One of the foods I want to try is Korean fried chicken.
I wonder if the flavors are different compared to regular fried chicken. I’ll have to research which restaurants serve Korean fried chicken and go from there.
19.Learn Chess
Growing up, I learned how to play checkers, a few card games, and mancala, but never chess.
I think I’ll be able to play once I learn the chess pieces and terminology.
20.Published Author
I have already written my first fiction novel. I can’t wait for this to become my reality. Currently, I am further along in the self-editing phase. I look forward to seeing what type of publishing route I take for my novel.

21.Splatter Paint Studio
Did you ever watch The Princess Diaries scene where they threw darts at the balloon stuck to a blank canvas?
I have seen that scene and want to do a similar activity.
22.Ride an ATV
Riding an ATV would be a ride of a lifetime. I wouldn’t mind taking in the views and having a thrilling time.
23.Kiss under the Mistletoe
I am a sucker for cliche Christmas movies. You know the ones where the guy meets the woman on a holiday getaway or travels to their hometown.
I wonder if receiving a kiss under the mistletoe is like those holiday movies.

24.Swim in a Waterfall
Waterfalls make me want to rejuvenate my soul. Watching videos of people underneath a sacred place inspires me to do that someday.
It’s like a healing awakening for better things to come.
I never knew tubing was a thing until I saw a YouTube video of people floating along a river and absorbing nature.
Tubing is a peaceful way to regroup and escape into nature!
26. Spanish
I want to confidently speak Spanish. Not only that, I am Afro-Latina, and my dad can speak Spanish fluently, which motivates me to push myself to learn. Learning a new language can open up a world full of opportunities.
27. Crotchet
Crocheting is a hobby that seems relaxing to do in your downtime. I learned about this activity from my mom. I would like to crochet my own blanket, hat, scarf, or even gloves.

Overview of creating a Bucket List
Originally, when I created my quest bucket list, I thought that it would be fun. It is, but I must say some of the things I want to do connect me to my inner child, where I am carefree and take each moment day by day without worrying about what’s to come.
I’ll definitely be updating this post with the ones I’ve completed. Also, I’ll probably add more to my bucket list over time.
Would you create a bucket list and follow through?
Lastly, I plan on creating a travel destination bucket list.

Hello there, my name is Vikita. I’m an aspiring author. I’ve written my first fiction novel and want to share the tips, tricks, and some of the things I learned throughout my journey. And I figured this was the perfect way for you to get to know me.