3 Simple ingredients that can make your underarms lighter
Did you ever stop yourself from waving your arms in the air?
Have you wanted to wear a strapless top or a short-sleeve top? But you don’t.
Are you embarrassed of your dark underarms?
If you answered yes, here are 3 products you can use to lighten your dark underarms.

Turmeric soap helps lighten underarms.
Turmeric is a plant that is derived from the ginger family.
It’s anti-inflammatory, and antioxidants can transform those dark armpits into brighter ones.
Doesn’t that sound amazing?
Yes, but it does require time.
A lot of benefits include hydrated skin, reduced appearance of stretch marks, and naturally glowing skin.
Additionally, it helps your skin become less exposed to harmful sun rays.
You deserve to feel confident in your own skin.
Thus, turmeric soap isn’t the only product I’ve used to brighten my underarms.
Aloe vera
Aloe vera comes from a plant. I included aloe vera gel in my routine after using the turmeric soap because it restores my skin barrier to its original state over time.
Some benefits include anti-bacterial, anti-inflammatory, wound healing, skin protection, and more.
Be mindful of leaving the aloe vera gel on too long because it can dry out your skin or create excessive oil.
That is the last thing you want.
But if that does happen, include glycolic acid in your regimen.

Glycolic acid
Include an alpha-hydroxy acid (AHA), which is found in foods. What does glycolic acid come from?
According to WebMD, sugarcane is a tropical grass produced worldwide.
The alpha-hydroxy acid works to remove dead skin cells off the top layer. If you accidentally leave your aloe vera on, you can simply use the glycolic acid to remove that buildup.
Additionally, you can reverse the sun damage, age skin, lighten dark patches, and heal acne scars.
Routine of these 3 products
So, what does my routine look like?
It’s not complicated at all. I use the turmeric soap first. I let it sit under my arms while I shower. After I am done, I rinse it off.
Once I am out of the shower, I grab a cotton pad and add 100% aloe vera gel on top of the pad. I rub it under the dark area of my underarm.
I leave it on for 15 to 20 minutes. Next, I wipe it off.
I use the glycolic acid twice or three times a week. I’ve learned that if you use a higher dosage of glycolic acid, it can irritate the skin.

What about deodorant, shaving, or waxing?
I absolutely put on deodorant. However, I use aluminum-free deodorant. In simple terms, I want to allow my underarms to naturally function properly.
What about shaving?
I make sure to shave prior to using the glycolic acid. It can burn if you put it on after you’ve shaved or waxed.
Overall, you can still shave, wax, and use deodorant.
Overview of these 3 products for lighter underarms
The key to using these ingredients is consistency. Make sure you get into the habit of applying these products into your normal shower or bath routine.
You won’t see results if you don’t make it a priority to use.
Results happen when you take action.
Find products that work for you and build life-changing habits that benefit you.

Hello there, my name is Vikita. I’m an aspiring author. I’ve written my first fiction novel and want to share the tips, tricks, and some of the things I learned throughout my journey. And I figured this was the perfect way for you to get to know me.