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Top Tips for Writing Your First Novel

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Finishing your novel can feel like a daunting task, but it
doesn’t have to be. Enjoy the process. I know there might be days where you
don’t feel like writing. However, that shouldn’t be an excuse to give up
together. Motivate yourself to finish writing your first novel. Trust the process. In this post, I will share tips you can incorporate to finish your first novel.

Be creative on a piece of paper

Grasp the process

Even though writing a novel can seem overwhelming, go for it. Know that you are more than capable of seeing your work through.

Set realistic goals that you can maintain on a day-to-day basis.

Create a flexible schedule that doesn’t make you resent writing or burn out to the point you don’t want to write. 

A way to prevent burnout is to prepare. Brainstorm your ideas and create an outline. By outlining, you can ensure your story flows smoothly and keep track of what comes next in your novel. Does your outline have to be perfect?

No. The key is to flush ideas out. You can always edit once you finish.

When you are done, congratulate yourself.

The hard part is over. 

Let your fingers rest.

Take a break. After you had time to regroup, take time out to read your creative piece. Mark your story for where you want to make changes.

Finding Inspiration and Developing Ideas

Inspiration for your story can happen at any time. 

Do you struggle to find inspiration for your story?

Try to free write. 

Set aside 10-15 minutes and write what comes to mind.

Use this time to express yourself.

Is nothing on your mind? Read other stories. This can spark your creativity.

Building Your Characters and Plot

Get readers invested in your characters. 

You want readers to believe your characters are real, especially if you wrote a fiction novel. Show their flaws and strengths.

Make sure each character has a purpose.

Give readers a reason to continue the next page of your story.

Outlining Your Novel

Outline each chapter. Highlight the key points of what will take place.

Use index cards or a storyboard to map out your storyline.

Are you a person that struggles sticking to an outline?

It’s okay if you don’t.

Sometimes, your ideas can come at the most random time.

Use an outline as a guide to visualize your story.

Setting Realistic Writing Goals

Are you a slow writer?

That’s perfectly okay as long as you are taking steps to finish your novel. Progress leads to results.

Are you a fast writer?

Perfect. There shouldn’t be a reason for you to give up on what you started.

Hard work happens when you are willing to take action on the things you want to accomplis

Overcoming Writer’s Block

How do you overcome writer’s block?

You overcame that hurdle by practicing and finding ways to cope. Some things you can do are:

  • Walk
  • Listen to music
  • Change Locations
  • Writing prompts

Find something that gets your creative juices flowing.

Planning written out in a notebook

Tips for Staying Motivated

Motivation comes from within yourself.

Know why you started?

What is your end goal?

Keeping that in the back of your mind will encourage you to continue.

Here are a few ways you can stay motivated.

  • Celebrate your progress. Every word you write is progress.
  • Join a writing group. Find an accountability partner.
  • Rewards after each writing session.

Editing and Revising Your First Draft

The editing phase should be the fun part because you actually put in time and effort to finish your novel. This is your chance to become the character. 

Does the character attitude remain the same throughout the storyline?

What’s your character motive?

What makes the character tick?

Does the character change because a certain situation takes place?

Bonus tips

Finding a Literary Agent or Self-Publishing or Hybrid

Decide how you want to publish your novel. Having that in mind is motivation to finish your novel.

Traditional publishing involves getting the right literary agent that believes in your work long-term.

Self-publishing involves you putting in time to put your story out on platforms like Amazon Kindle Direct Publishing.

Hybrid publishing is a combination of having people in your corner and earning 100% royalty depending on the company.

There are pros and cons to each publishing. It’s imperative you weigh out your options before making a decision. 

Choose what works best for you.

Marketing Your Book

Not only should you market your finished novel, market yourself. Get others excited for your novel or novels to come.

The right audience will be more than happy to support you throughout your journey.

Find a social platform that allows you to build your audience.

Tips for Successful Book Launches

Set up a book launch in advance. If you know that you are self-publishing your work on a certain date, celebrate your success with a book launch event. 

Do you want others to know you are an upcoming author? Create an email list for people to sign up. Give exclusive content when they do. Get creative and form those connections.

Pen on top of a notepad

Finishing your first novel

There’s no better feeling than typing those final words to your story and saving your work. It’s a reward within itself when you finish because you didn’t give up. 

By putting in effort and pushing through, you can overcome writer’s block and reach your writing goals.

Dedication and hard work can turn a blank page into a bestseller. 

Are you up for the challenge to finish your first novel?

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