I’m so glad you stopped by this page.

I started this website because I had no idea what I was doing, and that was the perfect time to start, similar to how I finished writing my first fiction novel.


I know.

But first, let me introduce myself. 

My name is Vikita Valle, and I am an aspiring author.

In undergrad, I thought about writing a novel. Did I know where to start?

Absolutely not! 

But I knew I wanted to. 

After earning my master’s degree, I looked into creative writing courses. And after tons of research, I landed at a school that offered a creative writing class to earn my master’s in fine arts.

I thought this was the perfect chance to learn.

I filled out the application and waited.

The next day, I received an email from the lead of the creative writing department. It stated that you should submit two pieces of writing.

At the time, I was grateful to have kept a few pieces I had written for undergrad. I submitted my pieces of work. Within hours, I received an acceptance letter.

It was a rocky start because I had no idea what my thesis story would be about, but I knew I was in the right place to dive in.

By the time I finished the graduate program, I had completed half my story and earned my degree.

However, I knew something was missing from my story and could not figure out what it was until a couple of months later.

And surprise, surprise.

It happened to be during COVID.


I had time to sit down outside of work and reflect on my fiction piece.

So, what ended up happening?

I took the feedback I received from my professor and completed my novel. But this time, when I reached the end of my novel, I knew I loved my story.

I could not be prouder of my hard work, and the fact that I didn’t give up was the biggest blessing.

I could not be more excited to share my journey and help others evolve as readers, writers, or people who want to become authors.

  If you would like to:

  • Get started with crafting your first novel,
  • Receive tips on how you can improve as a writer,
  • Transformational books that motivate you to start your journey,
  • Digest writing tips in a way that is not complicated or overwhelming,

You have come to the right place.

Remember, you are your biggest limit in life. So go for it!

You’re in the right place if:

  • You don’t want to play small when it comes to writing.
  • You are ready to break free from any limiting beliefs you may have about yourself.
  • Break free from doubt and take action toward reaching your writing goals.
  • You want to reflect on how far you’ve come when you actually put in the work to achieve your goals.
  • You never wrote your novel.

No matter where you are in your journey, you want encouragement!

You have absolutely come to the right place.

No matter what your goal is, take the leap into the unknown. Sometimes, the best things happen when you go for them. No matter how challenging it may seem to reach your goals, you have already achieved so much by simply taking the first step.

Inspiration can happen anywhere or at any time.